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Tswaing Meteorite Crater
The Tswaing Meteorite Crater, also known as the Pretoria Salt Pan, is situtated some 40 km northwest of Pretoria. It has a diameter of about 1100 m and has a saline pond in its centre.
This 220 000 year old impact structur is one of the 5 best-preserved meteorite impact craters on our planet.
The appealing landscape invites for 3-hour educational walk. Braai (barbeque) facilities are available.
This walk is very popular and can be reduced to about 1 hour for those with less time at their diposal.

Pretoria is the administrative Capital of South Africa and the seat of the State President. It was founded in 1855 and becamr the Capital of the South African Republic in 1860.

Cradle of Humankind Tour
This tour visits the Transvaal Museum and the Sterkfontein Caves near Krugersdorp. This cave and other caves within the World Heritage Site of the Cradle of Humankind has produced more than 50 % of all hominid fossils found on our planet.

Lesedi Cultural Village
Lesedi provides an entertaing insight into the culture and customs of indigenous South African people. The visit includes multi-visual presentations, visits of African homesteads, tribal dancing and a sumptuous buffet dinner.

Cullinan and Premier Diamond Mine
Cullinan is home to the world-famous Premier Diamond Mine, where in 1902 the largest diamond ever found, the 3106 carat Cullinan diamond was found. The nine major and numerous minor gems cut from this stone are part of the British Crown Jewels

Gold Reef City
Gold Reef City is a popular theme park situated on and around the old Crown Mines, in its time one of the richest gold mines on the Witwatersrand gold fields. The iupper parts of the mine have been preserved as a museum, inviting for a mine visit 220 metres underground. A real gold pour can be seen, and the museum showcases the oirigin of the richest gold deposist in the world, the production and extraction of gold from the ore.